H2S Release Rate Reports and Hazard Assessments are an essential part of emergency response planning for the oil and gas industry in Western Canada. Our team of engineers has between them over 80 years of experience in this crucial field. As a result we can quickly and efficiently handle projects of any scope.
Most industry veterans are familiar with drilling release rate reports; however, very few of them have benefited of from comprehensive hazard and release rate analyses for multi-well projects. A simple reliable process to select drilling locations that minimize total project costs due to emergency response planning and residents concerns has been an elusive goal for industry. At Integrated Modelling we have developed processes, reports and mapping that provide the information to enable such decision-making to take place at a fraction of the cost of conventional release rate determination.
Accurate and realistic Quantitative Risk Assessments within the oil and gas industry are a growing concern for stakeholders in both built up areas and green field projects. Traditional approaches to risk analysis have not been very successful in accurately communicating with stakeholders such as regulators and have failed to address public concerns. We work in conjunction with your existing vendors to provide you with a turn-key solution. Together we are able to offer a suite of services that encompass public consultation, emergency response planning, preparation of reports, presentations, and visual aids, as well as presenting and testifying at public hearings. Once it comes to implementing a plan, we work with our clients to optimize their facilities and gathering systems to minimize cumulative risk exposure.
These studies are useful when an oil and gas company’s operations are in close proximity and pose potential risk to the public or when environmental conditions are sensitive. Please contact us if you would like to know more.